Wednesday, October 2, 2013


Geoffrey Stevens Realty has been around for 14 years.
Steve Hirsch, the broker has been a graphic artist for 35 years including photography and web design. So when it comes to selling property, I am the expert. Photography is so important. Most real estate agents think that if the property looks bad, you shouldnt take photos of it, thinking that people would be curious and just come look.

NOT TRUE!  These days people are busy trying to make money just for the downpayment (which years ago was the price of the property itself) and they dont want to waste time coming out to see your coop, condo, or house just because they are curious.

My philosophy is, sell and show what you have. Don't hide anything. Sometimes people want a dump so they can get a good price. They want to see what they can do to the place. So photos are important nomatter what. Its the basic philosophy of the Queens real estate agent that uses this idea. ITS SO WRONG. Also as a cobroke agent, I dont want to waste my time going to property and showing my first time customer a place that needs to be renovated.  I dont like walking into any place blindfolded.

SO AGENTS..... TAKE GOOD PHOTOGRAPHY.  And i dont mean take crummy, dark photos of a  toilet seat, or a faucet, or a corner of the livingroom. Some agents think that they take photos of the outside that they are helping people make a decision to come see or not. SO WRONG!!

Please give your sellers what they need. Attention...Good photos...and Detailed information. Something lacking  in so many Queens agents.

I'm a photographer. Hire me for $75 and I promise you, you'll sell your listing faster than anyone.

Thanks for the listen.
Steve Hirsch

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